Fermentation room with view of five stainless steel vats


Under 压力: 过程系统 安全 Takes Training and Awareness

As facility construction winds down, 试运行提速, 揭示了一套全新的危险,并要求对相应的安全措施有敏锐的认识.


建筑安全培训, 例如防坠落和适当的挖掘和梯子安全规程, is a common requirement for anyone who steps foot on a job site. 同样地, 过程项目依赖于对安全实践的敏锐认识来保证安全和成功.

过程系统及其周围环境构成多种类型的危害. Potential sources of energy generated by pressure, temperature and chemicals can pose a danger, as can the moving parts of equipment and vehicles, 比如叉车.

作为工程领域的领导者, integrating and commissioning complex 过程 systems, particularly for cleaning and sterilization practices for the 食物 & 饮料 and 制药 industries, 澳门足彩app’s 过程系统 team has vast experience keeping team members, clients and contract partners safe in dynamic industrial settings.

以下是对潜在危害的入门介绍,以及减轻或避免这些危害的步骤 设计总监Mike Byron他是一个过程的领导者 Seiberling,一个澳门足彩app公司.


你不能仅仅通过观察管道和设备内部发生了什么. 在生产过程中, 系统通常是开放的, 因此,在开启系统时,必须考虑压力水平升高的可能性,并遵循适当的程序.

  • 询问是否需要打开系统,或者是否有其他解决问题的方法?
  • 如果需要开启系统,请确保系统隔离并通风.
  • 检查人机界面(hmi),确保没有进程处于活动状态.
  • Check pressure gauges, if available.
  • Use Lock Out, Tag Out (LOTO) when appropriate.


Many 过程 operations involve the heating or cooling of the product, which is not immediately apparent to the naked eye.

  • Be aware of your surroundings and what is going on within the plant.
  • Check HMIs for temperatures and active 过程es.
  • 如果可能的话,用清晰的警告标签识别温度安全风险.
  • 穿戴个人防护装备,如手套、长袖等.
  • 在设计阶段, identify lines that pose a temperature safety risk, and insulate them during construction.


Process and cleaning operations often rely on chemicals. 化学物质 can be dangerous if inhaled or if they contact exposed skin.

  • 阅读您可能接触的所有化学品的安全数据表(SDS),以确定已知的化学品安全风险.
  • 注意安全淋浴,洗眼和二photerine在整个工厂的位置.
  • 穿戴适当的个人防护装备.
  • Treat unknown leaks with caution and test before cleaning.


许多设备都有活动部件,如泵、罐式搅拌器和输送机. These moving parts can pinch or catch loose clothing, hands, or hair.

  • Identify known moving parts safety risks with clear caution labeling.
  • When possible, use guards to prevent contact with moving parts.
  • Use proper LOTO procedures when working on equipment with moving parts.
  • 穿戴适当的个人防护装备.


Forklift trucks are a routine presence during plant operations, and care must be taken to keep pedestrians safe.

  • 走路时避免分心,如手机、文件或绘画.
  • 在死角和十字路口使用地球镜以提供能见度.
  • Use pedestrian doors whenever possible.
  • 在指定的人行道上行走.
  • 穿戴适当的个人防护装备.


Process facilities often have wet floors. To prevent slips, trips, and falls, consider the following:

  • 好管家: Squeegee standing water to drains; keep drains clear of debris; keep items picked up off the floor: and be conscious of surroundings and wet floor signs.
  • 设计注意事项: Route drain piping to a floor or hub drain; eliminate trip hazards in piping design; and coordinate drain sizing with facilities design to keep up with 过程 needs.
  • 穿戴适当的个人防护装备, including good traction on shoes.



  • 让人们意识到每天发生的事情以及任何相关的安全风险.
  • Post signs and labels to identify risks.
  • 在执行任何工作之前,检查hmi以查看正在发生或最近发生的流程.
  • 通过现场特定的安全指导确保工人熟悉.
  • 如果您不确定某项任务或设施的PPE是否合适,请询问.
  • Ask plant personnel about their stop-work authority plan.
  • If you see something, do something.

All sites are different with different priorities and concerns. 这些风险在各行各业都很常见,在评估安全性时应该考虑到.

迈克·拜伦作者简介: Mike Byron is a 设计 Director – Process Lead with Seiberling,一个澳门足彩app公司, and has been with the company since 1993. Mike is primarily involved in the design of Process/CIP系统 for the liquid 过程ing industries. 目前的职责包括监督液体工艺的项目设计,并领导贝洛伊特的工艺设计团队, 威斯康辛州, 办公室. 可以联系到他 迈克尔.byron@hdtvsky.net.

澳门足彩app delivers more than $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,300高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ 办公室 locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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